Work Smarter Without Skipping a Beat The ApolloTM Retractor System is an essential component for median sternotomy beating
- Low priming volume, high gas exchange and low pressure drop are optimally balanced for superb performance.
- Hollow fibers manufactured exclusively by Terumo using a patented technology with total quality management from raw materials to finished product.
- Woven fiber bundle ensures consistent and high-performance gas exchange.
- Choice of blood outlet port configurations for easy access and increased circuit flexibility.
- Top-to-bottom blood flow path and air purge line provide excellent air removal capability.
- No DEHP used in PVC tubing.
- Elongated shape provides a stable blood flow path and enhanced visibility at all levels from all angles.
- Rotating venous inlet improves set-up flexibility.
- No DEHP used in PVC tubing.
- Connecting mount increases flexibility in circuit set-up and oxygenator rotation.
- Funnel-shaped cardiotomy filter improves breakthrough and residual volumes.
- Positive pressure relief value for additional safety.